As a traveling periodontist based in Newton, Massachusetts, I strive to provide top-notch care to all my patients. Whether you're at one of my office locations in Massachusetts or New Hampshire, rest assured, your smile is in good hands.
Together, we'll create healthy smiles that last a lifetime. See you soon!
Surgical and Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy
Periodontal disease is generally caused by food entrapment between the roots of the teeth and the surrounding gingival tissues. Overtime, the accumulated food debris causes inflammation of the gingiva and the surrounding bone. If the inflammatory process does not resolve, then bone loss would ensue and could ultimately lead to mobile tooth and tooth loss.
Via non-surgical periodontal therapy, i.e., scaling and root-planing, and an array of different periodontal surgeries, we can definitively reduce the deep gingival pockets and help you maintain healthy and functional dentition.
A dental implant serves as a replacement tooth root that fuses with your natural jawbone. Once your implant has fully healed, a replacement tooth will be attached to the implant. Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth. When properly taken care of, dental implants can be a lifelong solution.
Dental Implants
Occasionally inflammation of the gingiva and bone around your teeth may result in gingival recession/root exposure, which could result in unaesthetic appearance and hypersensitivity to hot/cold temperatures and even gentle brushing. Via gingival grafting, we can repair the gingival recession and restore your beautiful smile.
Gingival Augmentation and Sculpting
Gentle Tooth Extraction
In certain situations, teeth may need to be removed. They could be wisdom teeth that are mispositioned or teeth that are past the point of restoration